What is an unconference?

An unconference is an open, collaborative event in which the participants shape the program together. The format aims to avoid the hierarchical aspects of traditional conferences and emphasize networking, open discussion and active participation. We want to create a framework for discussion that is as informal as possible so that we can leave behind the established ways in which the historical sciences operate and challenge them more effectively.

In the run-up to and in a joint introductory meeting at the beginning of the Unconference, participants can propose their own topics. The topics as well as the formats are meant to be diverse: Possible options include informal exchange of experiences, practical workshops, presentations of new initiatives and approaches or talks. Once all suggestions have been introduced, we will hold a vote: the 16 suggestions with the highest number of votes will form the basis of the program and be taken up in 60-minute sessions.

How can I propose a session topic?


  1. Registration for participation closes on May 19th, 2024
  2. Session proposals can be submitted in advance to unconference@historikerinnen.ch or submitted on site.
  3. All proposals are briefly introduced on the morning of the first day of the Unconference.
  4. Subsequently, we will vote on which topics will be included in the program as sessions.
  5. The program is finalized and the 60-minute sessions are allocated. This program will be published online as soon as possible.
  6. The participants decide which sessions they want to attend and how they want to contribute.

Examples of other unconferences